Two bedroom house, Jennings, USA

Jennings, Saint Louis County, Missouri, USA

Property ID: 41629293

Summary Data

Price £53,416
Price Type
Bedrooms Studio
Bathrooms 1 - Bath
Plot Size
Building Size
Sector Residential
Type Houses
Subtype Townhouse

Location Map

Property Description

This fantastic spacious two bedroom single family home is located in Mark
Twain, St Louis and is just five minutes from the Walbridge Elementary school.
The property was very recently updated inside and has two large bedrooms,
One bathroom, a lovely open plan kitchen / dining area with an island anad
large garden with a full basement.
The house has tenants in place keeping the property in good condition paying
$1,300 in rent each month. The house is under management with a great local St
Louis property management company.

This property is located in Mark Twain, St Louis which is only 6.3 miles from the
centre of Downtown Saint Louis. This property is also close to Walbridge
Elementary School & Barack Obama Elementary School, there are many great
schools in this area.

Investment Calculation

Purchase price: 62,900

Gross annual rental income: $15,600

Property running costs: $2,188
(Tax, insurance and management costs)

Net annual rental income: $13,412

Investment calculation - Net Income divided by Purchase price = NET ROI.

Return on investment: 22%

Break even in 4.54 Years

Building Style

Property Features

No investment data available