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Yield: 20.00% Net Yield Estimated
Contract Term: 20 Years
Opportunity: $30000-$64000 Profitable Apricot / Peach Horticultural Business FOR SALE, INVESTMENT OR RENTING 8 hectare apricot and peach 10 year-old of commercial orchard in the Vanand village, Armavir province in Republic of Armenia.
Studio - Commercial Property
Invest From: £62,842
Vanand, Armavir, Armenia
Commercial PropertyBrowse investment property in Armenia - invest in real estate from 125 685 💷 GBP on
Located to the East of Turkey in Southwest Asia, Armenia represents an interesting opportunity for investment though one that demands due care and caution. As far as taxes and fees for international buyers go, it’s one of the most liberal countries you’ll come across. It’s not as poor as some of its neighbouring nations, literacy rates are extremely high (98.6%) and tourism is on the up. At the same time though, corruption is also rife and Armenia’s on-going conflict with its neighbours doesn’t bode well for overall stability. So while it’s technically easy to buy in and prices can be hugely attractive, investing in Armenia does not come without its risks and should only be attempted under advisement.
Business investments can be a more reliable option for investors compared to the costs of starting your own franchise. Established firms or businesses with strong brand recognition can generate a stable return on investment.
Located to the East of Turkey in Southwest Asia, Armenia represents an interesting opportunity for investment though one that demands due care and caution. As far as taxes and fees for international buyers go, it’s one of the most liberal countries you’ll come across. It’s not as poor as some of its neighbouring nations, literacy rates are extremely high (98.6%) and tourism is on the up. At the same time though, corruption is also rife and Armenia’s on-going conflict with its neighbours doesn’t bode well for overall stability. So while it’s technically easy to buy in and prices can be hugely attractive, investing in Armenia does not come without its risks and should only be attempted under advisement.
Business investments can be a more reliable option for investors compared to the costs of starting your own franchise. Established firms or businesses with strong brand recognition can generate a stable return on investment.